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From Norway to Hawaii

From Norway to Hawaii

Working with Wastewater Alternatives and Innovations (WAI) to convert cesspools on Hawaii

Text: Trude B-J Margel
Photos: Andreas Winter, Cinderella and WAI

In 2018, Cinderella met with Executive Director Stuart Coleman of WAI at The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Reinvented Toilet Expo in Beijing. Along with Hawaii State Senator Chris Lee, he presented the serious challenges to marine life, dying coral reefs and threats to health on the islands due to the 88 000 leaching cesspools spreading over 55 000 gallons of waste daily.

Since then, Cinderella, with the support from grants from Innovation Norway, has been working with WAI to help discover alternative solutions for home owners with the goal to convert them from their connections to cesspools and over to more sustainable solutions. With WAI’s help, there are currently three pilots on the island.

Recently, Stuart Coleman and Chris Lee visited Cinderella and described our work together to our colleagues and partners.

Executive Director at WAI, Stuart Coleman presents to Cinderella-colleagues and partners.

Hawaii State Senator Chris Lee talks about the impact Cinderella's technology has on improving sanitation on the islands.

Today, two years on, over 40 Cinderella Incineration toilets have been installed and interest from home owners and local businesses is growing rapidly. We’re grateful for the opportunity to help make significant changes to support the environment and public health.

Read more about WAI’s work here.